Because of this potential, some may consider primal play to be a form of edge play. It is important to note that intentionally evoking raw and unfiltered emotions and reactions can sometimes lead to increased safety risks (emotionally and physically) due to loss of self control. Primal play frequently contains elements of rough body play and fear play. Optimus Primal X Human TFP Bumblebee X Human Femme Reader Autobot2001.
Primal Prey: A primal who seeks to be hunted by a predator. Kink Predator/Prey Exhibitionism Drugged Sex Intelligence Kink Oral.Primal Predator: A primal who seeks to hunt and attempt to capture prey.Primal play is sometimes subdivided into preferred roles: Primal tendencies often do not often conform to rigorous structures involved with protocol but often do have a d/s element which is often established through some for of dominance display. The term Primal may refer to a type of play, an identity, or a style of relationships and further primal play is often synonymous with pet play. “Primal” doesn’t necessarily have to mean “rough” (though it often may) it’s more a matter of being raw and unfiltered, whatever the feelings present are. These can be raw, rough sexual feelings, but they could also be joy, silliness, deep feelings of love and intimacy, feelings of deep tenderness, even sadness and grief. Primal play in the kink context as getting to a place where the masks civilization can fall away and to allow acting on urges and impulses more directly.